Saturday, July 25, 2009

A Modest Introduction

Illusion, Isanity... or Intelligence: Pick One

The chair in which I'm sitting doesn't know it's an illusion, so supports my body anyway.
The sky doesn't know it's an illusion, and keeps on holding both stars and planets in some fixed relationships, even while we sleep. So we aren't holding them up while we sleep, are we?
In short, reality exists, because these things physically exist apart from which desire concerning their existence. They don't know that they are but figments of our imaginations, as if we were gods and thus smart enough to imagine all those things so well, even though we aren't, must be... our brains; for if we can imagine them so masterfully, we can sit on our imaginations: why is there so much trouble in the real world?

With all the bad in the world, how can a kind and loving God be almighty and ruling over it?

"The world is filled with wonderful opportunities, brilliantly disguised as intractable problems."

Human beings can only reach virtues by choosing with their free will, not to pursue vices. If a computer is programmed to always tell the truth, we wouldn't call it virtuous. Yet, truthfully, a computer never lies. To appreciate light, there must be darkness. To appreciate life, there must be death. We cannot learn unless we make some mistakes. That is... ...most of us.

Indeed, God does have absolute knowledge of all things and has power over all things and He does love human beings. The bad in the world should be seen, not as inherently bad but, rather as lessons for humanity for which it must learn and through which we appreciate the value of good things as and when we can than through our efforts.

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