Monday, July 27, 2009


It is said that our dreams, no matter how bad or good... that they can predict the future. I remember this one, beautiful dream, and a girl that I fell deeply in love with.

I didn't want to wake up from such a dream. All I wanted to do was go back into my deep slumber and dream again...

...I wanted to see her again.


Author: Arinori-Endo "Vernon"
Genre: Drama, Action, Mystery

There it is, a huge field, that I'm suddenly standing before and three path ways, but... I don't know which one to take. I'm not close to any of them so, I've got enough time to think about it.

"What am I doing here anyway, I could dream up something better than this but, we'll just see what happens. Like always."
There is a girl, standing right in front of me. I don't know whether to look up at her or just keep going. Gosh, I wonder sometimes why I shy away too much.
"Alright, it can't be helped. I have to look up, or else, I'll regret it later on."
And so I took my eyes and my head away from the ground to look up at this girl who is standing in my path, when suddenly, I just couldn't move a muscle. I stood there... paralyzed. My reason? This beautiful girl that is standing before me with that beautiful smile.
"I wonder who she is. I can't look away... oh no! I can feel my heart pounding but, I don't know what it's trying to tell me right now."
That feeling I felt, like my heart just kicked me right in the chest... it was my heart telling me that I have fallen in love again, but this time, inside of a dream. It wants me to make a move, but, I can't. That smile is so mesmerizing that I've been put in some kind of trance. But now, she's coming towards me.
"Aw man, what am I going to do? She's coming right to me. And look, she's still smiling. Does she know me?"

She stopped in front of me, and now, we're standing face to face. That smile seems to be going away and it looks like she's about to speak.
"Can I see your hand?" She said it so sweetly. I couldn't resist, I pulled my right hand out of my pocket instead of the hand I write with and held it out for her. "Here, hold on to mine, let's take a walk."
"Sure, but which way?" I said in a choking manner. I was so shocked by what just happened so fast, and I was kinda happy. She looked at the paths and said, "There is three, what do you think that they mean?" I got a clue, "The one on the left looks to small, so I'm guessing that only one of us can walk it. The one on the right looks a little wide, but we'd be too bunched up, th..." "Ooh, I like the one on the right. We'd be closer together, sorry for interrupting."
"I'd love that but, we would stumble as we walk. It's alright, I'll allow interruptions."
"If we stumble, then that means you'll have to carry me, teehee"
"I really wouldn't mind that. I'd love to carry you in my arms."

And there it was, she had me blushing. She stopped me from explaining the paths to my best but, I didn't care. When I looked beyond each path, it looked like there was nothing there to begin with. But, before I could make one sound, this beautiful girl put her finger upon my lips.

"I don't normally ask this but, what's your name?" She shooshed me, and turned to face me again. I couldn't help but smile. I ignored the fact of how weird this whole dream was but, she smiled again, with that glimmer in those beautiful eyes, and those cheeks, and well, all I can say is, I've dreamed the perfect dream and I don't want to wake up from it, ever.
But, what's this, she's wrapping her arms around me. And now, I'm sleepy. She's so warm, I feel like I'm going to die in her arms. I hugged her back. It was a jerk reaction that I couldn't control.
"What's the meaning of all of this, dear?" "Just close your eyes and you will see."
I did exactly that, and for about three whole minutes, I was in complete darkness. It felt like hours.
Just so suddenly, I felt lips touch my cheeks and then my lips, and when I opened my eyes again, the scenery changed and we were standing in a moonlit flower garden, next to a cherry blossom, falling with leaves, and white feathers flowing in the wind. Our lips were locked, sealed together. Kissing in the beautiful breeze, when suddenly...

"Vernon, wake up!"
Was I still dreaming or what?
I woke up, sweating. My lips were sealed to the pillow and...
"WHAT! A pillow? No... I can't be awake already." It was my brother, standing before before at the foot of the bed. "Yes, a pillow. What else? Get up already." "Yeah, and he was kissing it, hahahaha!" Oh no, and my baby sister too? This day isn't going to be good at all.
"Oh, and it was such a good dream too." "So, who was it, who was in it, teeheehee." My baby sister, she's twelve and well, my brother, only younger than me by two years. "Do you really wanna know?" She responded with a quick, "No, not really."
There you have it, my brother and sister, sitting there in my room, watching Ninja Warrior on G4. That show never gets old. I felt my heart kick me again, but later on in the day, or should I say afternoon. I was left feeling depressed about the dream. She was so beautiful. And yet, seemed so perfect for me. Maybe I will get to see her again, but, what if she is someone that I will see in the next life. I don't doubt that at all.
So, I got out of bed, my pillow drenched with sweat. I ran downstairs quickly for a bite to eat, to fight off this depression. Some left over spaghetti from last night.
"You were sleep for a long time. What's wrong?" That was my mother. Surprisingly but, knowingly, I sensed her presence. "Oh, nothing." I said with a smile. "I had a good dream. I didn't want to wake up from it." "It must've been that good of a dream for you to be sleeping that long." I said nothing, I just smiled and laughed. "That's a lot of spaghetti, are you depressed? What's wrong? I'm your mother, you're supposed to be telling me this stuff." "It's nothing. I just want to go back to sleep, that's all." I kept the smile on my face but, it got small. "That really must have been a good dream, hahaha."
This led to having a long conversation about dreams, I didn't tell her mine. Her dream was pretty interesting, which led me to tell her... "They say that our dreams predict things." I just left it at that, and she said, "In my dream, I dreamt about babies, and one of them was your sister." I laughed and she continued, "while you were sleep, I don't know if you heard me or not but, I called her and was like, YOU'RE NOT PREGNANT ARE YOU?"
That was pretty funny. I couldn't help but continue on with the laughter, but the bad thing is, she was pregnant. This was my older sister, my oldest and closest sister already had her children, about three of them. As for the older one, this would be her second. It's too early to get into names, so, you'll know them later on.
So, mother went upstairs and we parted ways. I sat down at the table and ate my brunch, watching Cow and Chicken on Cartoon Network when suddenly, I went into a daze. This time I could only hear voices and everything was pitch black and dark. I was disappointed that this dream girl wasn't there, but, maybe in another dream.

This was, of course, proof of the existence of love and a next coming that some day, I'd get to see her. Well, all we can do is wait and see what will happen next.

Something did alright...


There was a knock at the door. I wonder who it could be...


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