Monday, August 17, 2009


Title: Cheer Me Up, Please!

Author: Amami Junichiro

Rating: PG-13 "You be the judge on that"

Warning: I'm using the real names of some of our favorite band members, so I hope you know who is who, hehehee

Band/Musician in this segment: Gackt, Alice Nine, UnsraW, -OZ-, HMC, exist+trace, Dir en grey, DELUHI

Pairings: AmamixMaki, ToraxMiko, NatsukixJyou

Disclaimers: As every bit of my imagination continues to spark and shine for everyone, I wish that I was a jrock and vkei artist. Anyhow, anyone that has been linked to this fanfic and aren't my friend on this site that aren't apart of multiply and wish to steal my idea will, under every circumstance, suffer horribly as I shall cast evil upon you so, read at your own risk non-multipliers... jk! If you don't like it, you know what to do... kieruseru!! and kutabare!! No, seriously... I'm just kidding!!

Authors note:

Starring Civilians

Leda - Yu-to Halseth

Hyde - Commander Takarai

Gackt - Lieutenant Kamui

Amami Junichiro - Amami Halseth

Tora - Shinji Halseth

Maki - herself

Miko - herself

Starring Villians

Aggy - Taiga

Kyo - Monsoon

Natsuki - Zanuff

Jyou - Zedekiah

Yuuki - Lord Tahmazian

[Recap of Last Chapter/Episode...]

[Inside the Main Office. We hear the sound of a door opening as Commander Takarai, troubled, leaps to his feet.]

Takarai: (surprised) Rangers! I'm so glad to see that you all have made it in one piece.

[Amami and Shinji walk Kamui to a seat, and help him sit down as the others seat themselves.]

Takarai: What happened to the Lieutenant?

Kamui: It's a long story. I was captured by one of Lord Tahmazians outlanders while Squad Zero was in training. (to Squad Zero) By the way guys and girls, what happened while I was gone?

Amami: Couldn't really figure it out but, it seemed like the entire facility had evacuated. There were no survivors to be located.

Shinji: And, we fought off an army of Outlanders inside the exercise area, Miko and I.

Amami: Meanwhile, we got into it with Zanuff and his sister, Zedekiah. By the way Lieutenant, are we still in training, by any chance?

Kamui: I don't know, just yet. You might have been monitored throughout surveillance. (pulls up sleeve, revealing watch) Let me check. (to watch) Testing Ground surveillance!

[A hologram is present upon the device with a lot of information and data. An image is present upon an LCD screen, nearest the Commanders desk, revealing previous events of earlier, showing everything that happened after the short abduction of Lieutenant Kamui and comes to a pause after the battle between the rangers and the villainous siblings with Zanuff and Amami shaking hands.]

Kamui: (facing Squad Zero) I must say, I'm quite impressed with all of you. You did a great job, despite the simulations. This is something -more- realistic. (to Miko) You are quite skilled but could use a tad bit of work on your skills as a kunoichi, -if- a highly trained lady ninja is your entitlement. (to Maki) Precious Maki, my precious, you could use some more training if you want to become a strong ranger. (to the Halseth Brothers) Need I say anything about the two of you? You two are by far inseparable. It seems that when the two of you are together, you are an unstoppable force. This is what I call team work, but, you -could- help out your new teammates a little.

Shinji: But of course we -are- brothers.

Amami: That is why Squad -Zero- is unbeatable.

Kamui: To make matters more simple, I believe you all have a job to do. Your training is over for now, but you have a long way to go. (to Amami) By the way, Amami, I have someone you'd like to meet. (to Miko) I'm sure Miko doesn't have a problem?

[Inside Lord Tahmazian's Lair. Inside, Lord Tahmazian walks to his throne room, as Zanuff and Zedekiah follow.]

Tahmazian: (outraged) I can't -believe- you let those idiots lives. And what's this? (turns to Zanuff and shakes hand, scoffing, making a mockery) Hey there, Red Ranger, wanna be friends? Let's shake hands. Pfft! (turns away and continues walking to throne room) What was that all about? I oughta kick you back to Mars.

Zedekiah: (cosigning) Yeah! I'd say. And besides, I'm no sucker to friendship.

Tahmazian: (entering throne room and sitting upon throne) Yeah, sure.

Monsoon (O.S.): Tahmazian, my lord. (approaches the throne) Your son has ceased his dose. What shall I do?

Tahmazian: Well, what do -you- think you should do, Monsoon.

Monsoon: Right! I'll bring him to you.

[Monsoon exits the throne room as Tahmazian sits despondently.]

Tahmazian: (thinking position, softly) I wonder why Taiga has ceased his dosage. And yet, I guess making an early attack was not such a good idea after all. But, you're not scot free, Zanuff.

[Taiga appears, standing beneath the entrance to the Throne Room. Looking back, he spots Monsoon who is seemingly breathing down the back of his neck, and backhands him. Monsoon scampers away, whimpering.]

Taiga: What is it, father?

Tahmazian: Monsoon tells me that you have ceased your dose. Why have you done such thing?

Taiga: I'm feeling better. I have no need for that wretched, foul tasting stuff you call medicine. (sniffs and breathes in the air freely) ah, but my, I can breathe again.

Zanuff (O.S.): Tahmazian has a -son-? He never told -me- that. And besides, he looks like a -girl-.

[Zanuff smiles out of laughter.]

Tahmazian: (looks at Zanuff, irritably) What's so funny, Zanuff?

Zanuff: (straightens face) Oh, nothing. Just thought of something.

Tahmazian: What was funny? I'm -all- up for your -jokes-. Entertain me.

[Zanuff prepares himself.]

Zanuff: Okay, you asked for it. (clears throat) Have you ever heard the story about an evil ruler who has a sick son who looks like a girl?

[Zanuff snickers as Zedekiah bursts with laughter.]

Zanuff: (oncoming laughter) Oh no, I think I've done it now.

Taiga: (looks at Zanuff with disappointment) Hey!

[Tahmazian's mouth drops open, exiting the thinking position, dramatically looking at Zanuff in shock.]

[A beautiful shot of planet Earth.]

[Somewhere on planet Earth. It is now in midday.]

Tahmazian (O.S.): Aaargghh!! Zanuff!

Zanuff (O.S.): (uncontrollable laughter) Oh no! I better get out of here!

[We hear the sounds of lasers being fired, apparently hitting Zanuff who is laughing painfully.]

Tahmazian (O.S.): Get -back- here you, imprudent -ignoramus-! I'm not -finished- with you -yet-.

[Cross-over to Deserted Area. Sunset. Across the sunset, Amami, Miko and Lieutenant Kamui are outside somewhere, walking.]

Miko: You know something! This is the first time I've actually been away from my husband.

Amami: Husband!?

Miko: We've been together for a good amount of years. No, he's not my husband. At least not yet anyway.

Kamui: Yu-to Halseth. He's one of Holy Alliance's cocksure cock-a-hoop's.

Amami: (laughs) Cocksure cock-a-hoop. I just learned a new word. That's pretty funny.

Kamui: (chuckles) It seems you have a bit of a sense of humor there. Yeah, he's quite the cocky one but, one of Holy Alliance's best, just like you and your brother. Trust me, you'll like him. Besides that, you kinda resemble him in a way, but differently, like he's your -

Yu-to (O.S.): Long lost brother? (to Miko) Hey there, babe.

Miko: (hugs Yu-to) Yu-to. It's been quite a while.

Kamui: Yu-to. Might I ask, what exactly brings you out here?

Yu-to: Nothing much. Just training my body as usual.

Amami: I'm Amami Halseth.

[Amami holds out his fist.]

Yu-to: (spikes fist) Yu-to Halseth.

Amami: I know.

Yu-to: So, there's another Halseth around. Like anime?

Amami: Addicted to it.

Yu-to: You spar?

Amami: All day.

Yu-to: We're related.

Amami: I can tell a Halseth from a Halseth and you, Yu-to, are a Halseth. I knew it from the start. (points at nose) Cat-scratch nose just like mine.

Yu-to: Wolf?

Amami: Tiger!

Yu-to: We are so related.

Kamui: OK! Enough with the comparison already! So you're related. We've got work to do.

[Crossover to Dark Alliance HQ with pink and black colors. Shinji and Maki are walking side-by-side.]

Shinji: So, I've noticed that my brother has a thing for you.

Maki: He asked me out. I hope he's not hurt by my reply.

Shinji: Oh, you haven't seen the last of him. He doesn't give up so easily.

Maki: He's sensitive, isn't he?

Shinji: Well, yeah.

Maki: I have a boyfriend already.

Shinji: I won't tell you what to do, but it's up to you if you want to put up with him. He's my oldest and yet, -only- brother, so I have to.

Maki: You have nothing to worry about. I won't hurt him.

Shinji: I would advise you not to anyway, even though I could care less. But like I said, it's up to you. Amami is not your average people person. He's very mysterious and yet, easy to love and get along with.

Maki: But, what if I -do- hurt him and he cries?

Shinji: I highly doubt that he will. He is, at some point heartless. Never sheds a tear.

Maki: Everybody sheds a tear every once in a while.

Shinji: Well, except for that time he and I got into an argument. It wasn't a verbal one at that either. It was completely physical. Any kind of tension we have towards one another ends up that way. We never talk it out. He's got a lot of anger and detestation built inside of him, though, from what I know. Either way, we read each other like a book. We stick together regardless.

Maki: Yeah, but it seems likely to -me- that he never really gets angry at -all-. There -must- be more to him than you -already- know.

Shinji: Oh, trust me. When you're around our family. He can be a real demon.

Maki: So is that what all that fire is about? His anger?

Shinji: That and his passion. There's more to it but he loves the thought of fire. It's all about death and destruction when it comes down to his craziness. Just don't get him to that point.

Maki: But, he seems so calm and peaceful.

Shinji: I know. He's like a hippy. But when his boiling point has been breached, he's like a hippy gone mad. But he's not on drugs or anything like that, so that's a plus.

Maki: Do you think that he will have a problem with you telling me anything about him?

Shinji: Amami isn't like anybody else. He doesn't care what anyone says or thinks about him. He's just that good of a person to let the world slide with words. And besides that, he wants the world to know who he is. To know him and what he's about.

[Crossover to an exterior shot of the Holy Alliance Headquarters, precisely nightfall.]

[Nearest the entrance, a sorrowful figure leans up against the corridor with his head lowered. Amami, who looks as if something were bothering him.]

[Yu-to occurs, approaching Amami.]

Yu-to: Hey, Amami, something bothering you?

Amami: No not really, just got a lot on my mind.

Yu-to: Wanna go sparing?

Amami: Sure.

[Into the Dark Chamber. A dark chamber is portrayed. Two battle-ready figures, Amami and Yu-to stand firm facing each other.]

Amami: It's pretty dark in here. Just the way I like it.

Yu-to: So I see you like the darkness, eh, Amami?

Amami: I guess you could say that.

Yu-to: So, why don't we (enters battle stance) get this over with?

Amami: Way ahead of you. (places left hand into pocket) Whenever you're ready.

Yu-to: (exits battle stance) I see your stance. Looks like I won't be able to figure out (re-enters battle stance and throws an attack at Amami and misses) your -moves-!

Amami: (swiftly leaps away) Exactly. It seems you already have me figured out. But, not for long!

[Yu-to attacks Amami fiercely and misses again as Amami repeatedly dodges his attacks, quickly gets an attack in.]

Yu-to: Why aren't you attacking!

Amami: It's simple. You, as a Wolf, tend to attack freely and carelessly, just trying to hit your opponent, regardless of standards. But me, as a Tiger, I get the first strike. I await the first attack, looking for that opening, reading my adversary by his attacks. Do you feel your side burning a little?

Yu-to: (strokes side, feeling the heat, grin) That's truly clever... for a -kitten-!

Amami: Was that an insult? You half-breed!

Yu-to: That's -it-! You're mine, you stupid feline.

[Like playing a game of tag, Amami continuously dodges every attack, repeating the same process with quick attacks.]

[Miko, mysteriously appearing on sight, seats herself in a distance watching the battle.]

[Weapons Lab. Somewhere inside of the Holy Alliance Headquarters, Lieutenant Kamui is working on a project labeled "Metempsychosis Assault Weapons System", typing on a keyboard in front of a huge LCD screen that shows images and data in which looks like Zords.]

Kamui: (chuckles) Boy, are these outlanders in for a surprise. After I finish making preparations to these weapons, they won't know what hit them.

[Cut back over to Amami and Yu-to who are, at this time, still sparing. We see the two fighters performing attacks of their own.]

[Amami blocks an attack from Yu-to who throws his fist at Amami with force, he evades the attack with a single twirl in the air, landing on one knee and charging at Yu-to, holding out his hand as if equipped with a weapon and launches an attack with the other hand pulling the other back, making a hit towards Greg's face.]

[Greg takes the attack, lip busted, blood spilled, curling himself into the fetal position with his head facing the ground, then suddenly bursting out of the position letting out a wolf cry as if howling at the moon and leaps instantly into the air and through the ceiling.

[Amami looks in the direction of the shortly damaged celing.]

[Miko leaps to her feet running towards Amami, peering at the dark blue sky.]

Miko: You must've drawn first blood. I would suggest that you stick around for a while.

Amami: You're right, but I can't turn away from a battle like this. Until next time?

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