Monday, August 17, 2009


Title: Too Soon To Be A Ranger Part III

Author: Amami Junichiro

Rating: PG-13 "You be the judge on that"

Warning: I'm using the real names of some of our favorite band members, so I hope you know who is who, hehehee

Band/Musician in this segment: Gackt, Alice Nine, UnsraW, -OZ-, HMC, exist+trace, Dir en grey

Pairings: AmamixMaki, ToraxMiko, NatsukixJyou

Disclaimers: As every bit of my imagination continues to spark and shine for everyone, I wish that I was a jrock and vkei artist. Anyhow, anyone that has been linked to this fanfic and aren't my friend on this site that aren't apart of multiply and wish to steal my idea will, under every circumstance, suffer horribly as I shall cast evil upon you so, read at your own risk non-multipliers... jk! If you don't like it, you know what to do... kieruseru!! and kutabare!! No, seriously... I'm just kidding!!

Authors note:

Starring Civilians

Gackt - Lieutenant Kamui

Amami Junichiro - Amami Halseth

Tora - Shinji Halseth

Maki - herself

Miko - herself

Starring Villians

Kyo - Monsoon

Natsuki - Zanuff

Jyou - Zedekiah

Yuuki - Lord Tahmazian

[Recap of Last Chapter/Episode...]


[Testing Ground. Maki is now on the battleground.]

[An Outlander kicks her. She backs away for space and pulls out the halberd, striking away at the Outlanders in her view with attacks of her own.]

[One of the Outlanders deliver a hard punch to Maki's back. She stumbles forward from the force of the blow and foolishly bumps into another Outlander.]

[A loud rumble is heard throughout the exercise area, everything comes to a halt as Squad Zero regroup. Red warning lights in the entire facility shut on.]

Announcer: System failure. Transporting model number 2.4.3 into the area. All machines are currently disabled. Transporting model number 6.2.9 into the area.

[The models transport into the exercise area as the entrance to the vicinity closes slowly.]

[Lieutenant Kamui bangs onto the plastic interior in a panicky state as he is pulled away by an unknown figure.]

[It is sudden that a full army of Outlanders appear into the scene surrounding the Squad.]

[Fire lights up in Amami's eyes.]

Amami: I smell trouble.

Shinji: It might be that fire in your eyes.

[The fire in his eyes dance as he smiles.]

Amami: (smiling) Really funny.

Miko: Idiots!

Maki: Guys, this is no time for joking around!

Amami: (straightening his face) I guess you're right. (looks at the entrance) The entrance is closing on us. We better hurry before we're trapped in here.

Shinji: You and Maki go ahead, Miko and I will hold them off.

Maki amd Amami: Are you sure?

Miko and Shinji: Go already!

[Maki and Amami rush out of the exercise area as the entrance fully closes.]

[Shinji and Miko stand side by side in battle stance.]

Shinji: This is going to be one crazy battle.

[Shadow-like vapor clouds Shinji's eyes.]

[A green light emits in Miko's eyes as they imperceptibly vibrate as if wind were blowing upon them.]

Miko: You can say that again.

[Cross-over to the Testing Ground.]

[The two rangers, Amami and Maki stop in their tracks.]

Amami: We have to split up and see if there are any survivors around.

Maki: Okay. Be safe.

Amami: You do the same.

[Maki hugs Amami. Amami hesitantly hugs Maki back. It is then that they split up.]

[To Mountainous Region. Sunset. Zanuff despondently walks around in circles.]

Zanuff: What am I going to do? If I fail again, I'm a goner. So much for being a liegeman!

[Zanuff kicks rocks as a hologram of Lord Tahmazian appears before him in the sky.]

Tahmazian: Zanuff! What are you doing?

Zanuff: I'm thinking up a plan on destroying the alliance.

Tahmazian: Who's responsible for the attack on the Testing Ground?

Zanuff: (jumps hesitantly, in a state of falsehood) T-That would be my doing, my liege.

Tahmazian: Oh really. It looks like to me, you're hiding out. Are you not?

Zanuff: O-Of course not. I'm waiting for the new rangers to arrive. The Dark Alliance is getting some today. They should be in training.

Tahmazian: New Rangers! Oh, well, this should be good. I want you to go to the Testing Ground right away.

[The hologram fades away.]

Zanuff: Whatever you say my liege. Whatever you say.

[Zanuff sits in the thinking position.]

Zanuff: Maybe I should get some help. Hmm. (snaps his finger and stands up, snickering) I got it. The -rangers- are in for it now!

[Back to Exercise Area. Miko and Shinji. Shinji is thrown against the wall as Miko is getting pummeled to the ground.]

Shinji: (low) I could use some of Amami's help but he and Maki are off somewhere.

Miko: Shinji, are you alright?

Shinji: (shaking himself off) Never better. Shadow Ranger! (morphs instantly, enters battle stance) It's just about that time!

[Shadow Ranger rushes over to Miko and helps her up, pushing the Outlanders out of the way.]

Miko: Zephyr Ranger! (morphs instantly) Next time, they won't get away with that kind of attack.

[Zephyr Ranger enters battle stance. She fends off against an Outlander, dodging its attack and slashes her opponent with a kunai dagger.]

[Shadow Ranger tosses an Outlander against the wall and instantly rushes to it, smashing his opponent, leaving a print of the Outlander on the wall.]

[An Outlander slaps Shadow Ranger in the back of his head, or in this case, his helmet.]

Shadow Ranger: You know something. I may have a helmet over my head, but that still (elbows the Outlander in the nose) -hurt-!

[Zephyr Ranger pummels an Outlander into the ground.]

Zephyr Ranger: Now this is what I call payback.

[Zephyr Ranger stands on the Outlander and does a back-flip, landing on top of the Outlanders gut.]

Zephyr Ranger: That was (checks the Outlanders chin with foot) -fun-!

[Zephyr and Shadow Ranger meet back-to-back.]

Zephyr Ranger: Hey Shinji, your brother? He reminds me of my soul mate, but in a different kind of manner. The whole thing about Tigers, you know.

Shadow Ranger: Relates to Wolves, I know. That's a sudden surprise. You're not falling for my brother, are you?

Zephyr Ranger: In your dreams, Shinji. No way.

[Outlanders close in on the two.]

[Testing Ground. Throughout the facility, Amami and Maki meet, nearly bumping each other.]

Amami: You find any survivors.

Maki: It seems like they have evacuated.

Amami: Then we're the only ones left in the facility.

Maki: Pretty much.

[Amami and Maki stare into each others eyes.]

Amami: You're beautiful.

Maki: (blushes) Thanks.

Amami: Wanna go out with me?

Maki: (smiles) I'm going out with someone already.

Amami: (disappointed smile) Ouch! Didn't see that coming.

[All of a sudden, Zanuff shows up. Amami and Maki face him, entering battle stance.]

Amami: It's you again. What a surprise.

Zanuff: Sorry to break up your little session but, you wouldn't happen to be the new -rangers-, would you?

Amami: Well, you got me. It seems like we were -rangers- after all. What're you doing here?

Zanuff: On a mission!

Amami: Still taking orders from your boss. (looks at the mark on Zanuff's neck) It seems like he got you pretty good.

Zanuff: Just a little warning shot.

Amami: Looks like a final warning to me.

Zanuff: (pulling out his sword) I shall see to your defeat outside of this clutter.

[Zanuff runs off.]

Amami: Come on, we have to go after him.

[Amami runs after Zanuff as Maki follows his lead.]

[Outside of the Testing Ground. Zanuff stands beside an unknown figure.]

[Amami and Maki show up, running and stop in a sudden surprise as they spot the extra villian.]

Zanuff: Surprised are we? This here is my sister, Zedekiah. (to Zedekiah) Zedekiah, these are the -Power Rangers-.

Zedekiah: That's -preposterous-! These two are -Power Rangers-! They look more like a couple to me.

[Zanuff and Zedekiah approach the two and study them, walking in a circle.]

Zanuff: You know something, Zedekiah. I see the facts.

Zedekiah: They look like a couple, don't they?

Zanuff: Yes, as a matter of fact, come Zedekiah, walk with me.

[Zanuff and Zedekiah walk at least a mile away from Amami and Maki. It is so that they begin to argue amongst one another, face-to-face.]

Zanuff: (indistinct) Who -cares- about whether or not they look like -couples-.

Zedekiah: (indistinct) I was only -complimenting- on their -connection-. I felt something between them.

Zanuff: Oh! So now you're some sort of -psychic-. Where did our family go wrong?

Zedekiah: Ooh! I oughta! (slaps Zanuff upside his head) I'm telling mom!

[It is then that the two of them begin to argue fiercely, muttering back and forth then simultaneously.]

Amami: Can you believe that? I can.

Maki: What, that we look like a couple to them? I told you already, I'm taken.

[Maki walks away from Amami. Amami shakes his head.]

Amami: (low) Assuming things so quickly. That's not even what I was trying to say!

[Back to Exercise Area. Shinji and Miko are worn out. The models explained before are down for the count.]

Shinji: I wonder whose idea was it to tell those two that they should leave?

Miko: Yours and pretty much likely the both of ours, but mostly yours.

Shinji: (chuckles) It's all my fault, right?

Miko: (chuckles) If you say so. Let's get out of here.

Shinji: Right behind you. Beast Gauntlet!

[A black vapor-like fire covers Shinji's left hand as he charges towards the door and slams his fist into it, breaking the door down in the process.]

Shinji: (impressed) I'm beginning to like this stuff already.

Miko: We've got to hurry before those things wake up.

Shinji: (looks back at the models) You're right. Let's go.

[Shinji and Miko quickly evacuate the Exercise Area.]

[Back outside of the Testing Ground. On the Testing Ground, Maki approaches Zanuff and Zedekiah, who are continuously bickering back and forth to one another.]

Maki: Um, hey guys!

Villains: (at the top of their lungs) WHAT!!

Maki: Don't you have a job to do, or are you two just going to stand there and -fight- all day, when you should be -trying- to destroy the -rangers- and whatever else it is you have to do.

Zedekiah: Oh, right! I almost forgot.

[Zedekiah pulls out a whistle made of the wood and divining rods of Alder.]

Zedekiah: I shall call upon the North Wind.

[A fireball shoots out of nowhere and splits up, whacking the two villainous siblings in the face, causing Zedekiah to drop the whistle in the process.]

Villains: Ouch!

Amami (O.S.): That was supposed to just hit Zanuff! Sorry! Come on, I want to fight!

Zedekiah: (sniffs the after burning smell) That smells like burning alder.

Amami: (approaches Zedekiah) And that -looks- like alder.

[Amami covers himself inflames.]

Zedekiah: I smell it all over you. Where were you born?

Amami: Just a little place called earth. (grabs hold of the whistle) I'll take -that-.

Zedekiah: You insolent fool! How -dare- you!

Maki: You and your brother -just- don't give in, do you? You have to play around.

Amami: (laughs) Why not! We like having fun. Sure, I take work seriously but, if not for my maintaining of a youthful approach to almost everything...

[Amami shrugs shoulders.]

Shinji (O.S.): Amami!

Amami: (chuckles) And speak of the devil.

[Shinji and Miko show up.]

Shinji: So, I see you brought a friend with you this time, eh, Zanuff?

Zedekiah: I'm his sister you buffoon.

Amami: Shall we get on with the fighting? I'm bored.

Zanuff: I thought you'd never ask. It's about time.

[The villainous siblings and Squad Zero leap away from each other and enter battle stance.]

Squad Zero: Spirit Morpher Revolutionize!

[The Morphing Sequence begins.]

Amami: Red Inferno Ranger!

Shinji: Black Shadow Ranger!

Maki: Pink Seismic Ranger!

Miko: Green Zephyr Ranger!

[Squad Zero morph into their designations.]

[The Rangers enter battle stance as does the villainous siblings.]

Zanuff: What a show! Sorry it has to be cancelled!

Zedekiah: You tenderfoots are going -down-!

[The siblings and Rangers charge at each other.]

[Into Lord Tahmazian's Lair. Lord Tahmazian sits on his throne as usual. A monster, Monsoon, walks into the throne room with Lieutenant Kamui and shoves him to his knees beneath Tahmazian.]

Tahmazian: (looks down at Lieutenant Kamui and leaves his throne) Well, what do we have here. Lieutenant (kicks Kamui in gut) -Kamui-!

Kamui: (groans) We meet again, Agamemnon.

[Lord Tahmazian, or as of now, known as Agamemnon, grabs hold of Lieutenant Kamui and lifts him up off the ground.]

Tahmazian: What's this I hear about new -rangers-? And, don't worry. I won't hurt you.

Kamui: Don't you think it's a little too early to be making these kind of attacks?

[Tahmazian tosses Lieutenant Kamui to the floor like trash.]

Tahmazian: A little too -early-, huh? My liegeman is already up there on his way to -destroy- those rangers.

Kamui: What if I told you that they are unstoppable.

Tahmazian: Well then, we'll just have to see about that.

Kamui: And besides, they're still in training, leave them alone.

[Back to Testing Ground. The siblings and the Rangers are going at it.]

[Inferno and Shadow Ranger are fending off against Zanuff. Zanuff swings at Inferno Ranger and misses as Inferno Ranger ducks from the attack and strikes him in the gut.]

[Shadow Ranger jumps in the air and zips back and forth, in and out of Zanuff's body, striking him repeatedly.]

[Seismic and Zephyr Ranger are fending off against Zedekiah. Seismic Ranger karate chops Zedekiah as Zephyr Ranger kicks her in the butt.]

[Zanuff and Zedekiah group up.]

Zanuff: I see how you all want to play.

[Doubles of Zanuff and Zedekiah appear beside each other.]

Zanuff: Now it's two on two!

Inferno Ranger: (enters battle stance) Fine by me. (to Shadow Ranger) I'll take on the real one. You go after his double.

Shadow Ranger: (enters battle stance) They still won't stand a chance against us.

Inferno Ranger: Ha! You got that right. Let's do it.

[Inferno and Shadow Ranger part ways, charging after the Zanuff and the double.]

[Inferno Ranger's position.]

Inferno Ranger: So, it's me against you, Zanuff.

Zanuff: Yeah, I guess so.

Inferno Ranger: Yeah, but it's just too early for all of this.

Zanuff: Blame it on that retched boss of mine.

Inferno Ranger: So, let me guess, you were sent to destroy the new rangers, huh?

Zanuff: It was sort of my doing. I said something about new rangers and my boss, well, he just sent me back up here to destroy you idiots.

Inferno Ranger: You're lucky, cause by the looks of it, we are still in training.

Zanuff: Enough talking. I'm going to -kill- you!

Inferno Ranger: If that's what you think, then so be it.

[Inferno Ranger and Zanuff charge at each other.]

[Shadow Rangers position.]

[Shadow Ranger and the Zanuff doppelganger battle it out. Shadow Ranger dodges the doppelgangers attack and leaps to the side.]

[The doppelganger slaps him in the side with the hilt of his sword.]

Shadow Ranger: (looks at side in agonizing anger, pointing at the double) You're mine!

[Shadow Ranger charges at the doppelganger and shoots at him with the DA Blaster, then slashes him in the chest with the DA Saber.]

[Seismic Rangers position.]

[Seismic Ranger gets knocked back and slashed in the arm with a whip by Zedekiah.]

Zedekiah: Come on, you're not even putting up a fight!

Seismic Ranger: Okay, so it's a fight you want then it's a fight you'll get.

[Seismic Ranger pulls out a halberd and spins it around, entering battle stance. It is then that she charges at Zedekiah.]

[Zephyr Rangers Position.]

[The Zedekiah doppelganger somersault kicks Zephyr Ranger.]

[Zephyr Ranger falls helplessly to the ground and kicks herself back up onto her feet.]

Zephyr Ranger: Zephyr Daggers!

[The daggers, deployed by Zephyr Ranger, flow fast but, gently in a way. The attack was a success. The Zedekiah doppelganger jerks back, mourning over the somewhat injury, and points at Zephyr Ranger, balling up her fist dramatically.]

Zephyr Ranger: (laughs, cocky) How do you like me now.

[Zedekiah doppelganger threatens Zephyr Ranger with the whip, beating the ground.]

Zephyr Ranger: (sarcastically) What are you going to do with that. Give me a -spanking-?

[Zedekiah doppelganger twirls the whip in the air and lashes it out at Zephyr Ranger, who pulls out her DA Blaster a second too late, knocking the blaster out of her hand.]

Zephyr Ranger: (ticked) You know, that almost -hit- my -hand-, you idiot!

[Entering battle stance, Zephyr Ranger charges at the doppelganger, dodging her every whip attack.]

[Zephyr Ranger suddenly catches the whip and yanks it away.]

[The screen splits into fours, starting with the Zephyr Rangers position going to the bottom right, revealing Inferno Rangers position going to the top left, also revealing Seismic Rangers position going to the top right and lastly, Shadow Rangers position to the bottom left.]

[In this sequence, they are all shown battling it out with their adversary.]

[Inferno Ranger is shown trading blows with Zanuff as Shadow Ranger is shown toying with the doppelganger.]

[Seismic Ranger is shown constantly beating Zedekiah with the halberd as Zephyr Ranger is shown having a showdown with the doppelganger.]

[The spilt screen ends one by one as each ranger downs their opposing adversary.]

[Starting with Seismic Ranger who strikes Zedekiah in the gut with the halberd, Shadow Ranger who leaps into the air and stomps the Zanuff doppelganger to the ground, and Zephyr Ranger who retrieves her blaster and shoots the Zedekiah doppelganger to the ground.]

[The screen goes back to its normal resolution, showing Inferno Ranger and Zanuff who leap away from each other and stand, weakened.]

Zanuff: (tired) You're tough, even without the use of your abilities.

Inferno Ranger: (tired) You're not so bad yourself. This was one heck of a battle.

[Shadow Ranger shows up on screen beside Inferno Ranger.]

Shadow Ranger: (surprised) I'm amazed to see the two of you still standing. Ha! That doppelganger was worth a battle.

Inferno Ranger: (blocking Shadow Ranger) Stay back Shinji. This is my battle.

Shadow Ranger: Tsh! Fine by me. I'm going back to HQ. (removes headgear, wiping sweat off his forehead) I'm beat.

Zanuff: Would you just go already!

[Suddenly, the other two rangers show up with Zedekiah, grabbing the gentlemen's attention.]

Zedekiah: (running beside Zanuff, exhausted) These new -rangers- are -tough-! I almost had the pink one but she crossed me up her -weapon- and beat my -whip-!

[Zanuff and Inferno Ranger, who powers down, approach one another.]

Zanuff: So, Inferno Ranger. Why don't you say we -

Zanuff and Amami: Call it a day!

Amami: Sure, why not. And besides, you're second to my brother in competition. You've gone up on my list.

Zanuff: That sounds like something good.

Amami: It is something good.

Zanuff: Normally, a Power Ranger would've actually defeated their opponent.

Amami: Well, what can I say! It seems like you weren't even attempting to defeat me anyway. Besides that, I think I may be able to trust you on a certain level. You don't seem villainous at some points.

Zanuff: How about a rematch.

[Zanuff throws out his hand. Amami looks at Zanuff's hand and shakes it.]

Amami: (smiling) You can bet on it.

Tahmazian (O.S.): -Zanuff-! What are you doing over there? Destroy those rangers. Don't make friends.

[Zanuff faces Tahmazian, nervously, who shoves Lieutenant Kamui towards Amami and the rangers.]

Zanuff: M.My liege, I'm tired. We've been fighting all day. Neither of us are down for the count and nobody here is weak.

Tahmazian: (low, softly) So, Kamui's mouth wasn't -filled- with a bunch of worms. We might have to take drastic measures.

Zanuff: They are of no threat to us.

Tahmazian: What! Why are you speaking in such ignorant way? Let's get going, I've got work to do. Oh, and rangers? I suggest that you, -give- up your positions as rangers, -if- you want your precious Lieutenant to survive.

[Tahmazian laughs sinisterly, walking off-screen with Zedekiah and Zanuff.]

Zedekiah (O.S.): Until next time rangers!

[Amami and the rangers regroup, facing the villains who are now gone.]

Shadow Ranger: Making friends with the enemy I see.

Amami: I don't know. It's just that I sense something within Zanuff, like his heart is, weakening. That's partially why I didn't destroy him.

Shadow Ranger: Showing a bit of compassion, brother? It's not like you. You're always the opposite, you know, passionate.

Amami: What's wrong with showing a little sympathy?

Shadow Ranger: I don't know but we better head back to HQ right away.

Amami: Lieutenant, are you going to be okay?

Kamui: I'll last. Let's get going!

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