Monday, August 17, 2009


Title: Too Soon To Be A Ranger Part II

Author: Amami Junichiro

Rating: PG-13 "You be the judge on that"

Warning: I'm using the real names of some of our favorite band members, so I hope you know who is who, hehehee

Band/Musician in this segment: Gackt, Alice Nine, UnsraW, -OZ-, HMC, exist+trace

Pairings: AmamixToraxMakixMiko

Disclaimers: As every bit of my imagination continues to spark and shine for everyone, I wish that I was a jrock and vkei artist. Anyhow, anyone that has been linked to this fanfic and aren't my friend on this site that aren't apart of multiply and wish to steal my idea will, under every circumstance, suffer horribly as I shall cast evil upon you so, read at your own risk non-multipliers... jk! If you don't like it, you know what to do... kieruseru!! and kutabare!! No, seriously... I'm just kidding!!

Authors note:

Starring Civilians

Gackt - Lieutenant Kamui

Amami Junichiro - Amami Halseth

Tora - Shinji Halseth

Maki - herself

Miko - herself

Starring Villians

Natsuki - Zanuff

Yuuki - Lord Tahmazian

[Recap of Last Chapter/Episode...]

Kamui: (to the Halseth Brothers) You must be Squad Zero. It's nice to have finally met the two of you. (to Miko and Maki) And you two must be the new recruits to this Squad. (to Squad Zero) Correct me if I'm wrong, but you four have been chosen as the four Power Rangers who will aid us all in this battle, right? You make a fine team, the four of you. Amami and Shinji, you must understand already that the universe is in dire need of protection from destruction?

[Both Amami and Shinji nod their heads.]

[Main Command Headquarters. The Main Command Headquarters, the link to all organizations. Lieutenant Kamui and Squad Zero walk inside.]

Kamui: This is the main command headquarters, otherwise known as the link to all organizations. This place was founded in order help all of I-DO defend the universe from anything and everything. You four have been lucky enough to enter this facility -if- it weren't for having been chosen, and only the likes of you can even hope to fend off against Outlanders in combat, but that's not the case. In front of you, you'll see a lot of computer and software, the one in the middle is the mainframe and digital boundary for everything here.

[It is then that the group walks into a room nearby and seat themselves.]

[The Lieutenant closes the door to the room for privacy amongst himself and the four and approaches a device similar to a PDA but increased in size and begins to type.]

[He presses onto a button as a large gap opens up in the floor, followed by a table with a number of containers, covered in smoke as it rises and pauses in the middle of the floor.]

Kamui: I will start off by giving you your ranger designations. Come forth to the table.

[The quartet approaches the table, surrounding it in a circle.]

Kamui: The containers you all stand before contain everything that makes you what you will soon become. Those you stand before contain your morphers, otherwise known as "spirit" morphers.

Amami: I'm all up for it. Let's get our designations.

Kamui: Very well then, open the containers.

[As Lieutenant Kamui continues to speak, Squad Zero is shown in turn, individually.]

Kamui: Amami, you are the Red Dark Alliance Ranger.

Amami: (walks back with the morpher) Just as I expected.

Kamui: Shinji, the Black Dark Alliance Ranger.

Shinji: (tosses the device in the air and catches it with a smile) Lucky me.

Kamui: Maki, you are the Pink Dark Alliance Ranger.

Maki: (looks at Amami and the morpher simultaneously) The exact opposite of red. (smiles) I love pink.

Kamui: ...and lastly, Miko, the Green Dark Alliance Ranger.

Miko: (cherishes the morpher) As gentle as the wind.

Kamui: These morphers that you are now in possession of are not activated exactly as they were ordered to be, so you will have to do that on your own. I'm sure your Commander has given you the piece of equipment to do so? (walks towards the door and opens it) Follow me to the next room.

[Arsenal Room. The actions are the same as before but this time no one sits down. It is then that the room they are now inside of appears dim in a way.]

[The Lieutenant pushes onto a button inserted into the wall before him as it opens like a door. There are a series of sections for each ranger.]

Kamui: The Arsenal Room. This is the arsenal that you will use in battle. You all will have a blaster and a saber with additional weaponry.

Shinji: I'm pretty sure we can all see that each section matches our chosen designations.

Miko: Yeah! It's pretty obvious.

[Squad Zero approaches their section of weaponry and analyse it.]

Amami: A sword. (examining the weapon) A Katana, awesome!

Shinji: I've got myself a gauntlet. That's good enough for my left hand don't you think so, Amami?

Maki: I've got a halberd, what about you, Miko.

Miko: (smiling) Kunai daggers!

Kamui: If you would, I'd appreciate it if you'd strapped yourselves up with your weapons. Next, follow me to the next room for the rest of your gear.

[Squad Zero strap themselves up with the equipment and tag along with the Lieutenant out of the armory.]

[Equipment Room. Door opens automatically as the Lieutenant and Squad Zero walk into the room. Squad Zero looks around in amazement.]

Kamui: This is where your equipment lies. Around the walls you will see a showcase of samples, otherwise known as your uniforms, starting with your headgear.

Amami: I hope the Commander recommended anything for protective gear throughout battle.

Kamui: Never mind that. I see where you're going about the whole armor ideal. And yes, Takarai told me all about it. I'll bring them up right away.

[The Lieutenant presses onto a button nearby and as said before about the floor opening, very similar, but this time protective gear rises up, connected to a circular clothes rack of sorts.]

Kamui: This is your metempsychosis armor. Need I remind you, Halseth Brothers, that this protective gear will increase your abilities that you already possess! I'm certain you girls have abilities of your own as well.

Miko: Uh, hello! Highly trained lady ninja here! The Zephyr. Wind.

Maki: The Force. Earth.

Amami: The Inferno. Fire.

Shinji: The Shadow. Darkness.

Kamui: And yet, they all match your entitlement as a ranger. Very few people have the ability to wield such powerful entities like you all. You should be obliged.

Amami: The Commander has really outdone himself this time.

Kamui: At this time, I would like for you all to take out your morphers and set them upon the table.

[Squad Zero sets their morphers upon the nearest table/desk and backs away simultaneously.]

Kamui: I am going to program the morphers with the intention of giving you the ability to enter battle form, your ranger suits, and spirit transmigration form, your combatant armor.

[Lieutenant Kamui walks up to a computer and begins to type as a hologram pops up with data showing all of the ranger accessories.]

Kamui: Meanwhile, you will all have a trial to accomplish between, proving ground as protectors of the universe.

[Lieutenant Kamui continues typing and lastly, presses onto a big red button. It is then that the morphers emit a bright light. Data as the designated colors charge towards the morphers, plummeting into them.]

[Squad Zero raise their arms to the morphers, suddenly arising, levitating in the air.]

[The morphers dash towards Squad Zero, attaching themselves to their rightful owners wrist, just like a watch, as a light electrical charge, with the designated colors, surges through the body of the possessors.]

Kamui: (turning towards Squad Zero) I believe that you are all set and ready for training?

Squad Zero: Yeah!

Amami: Lets go!

[Testing Ground. Midday. Squad Zero approaches the Testing Ground with amazement as Lieutenant Kamui follows behind.]

[Inside the Testing Ground. The Lieutenant and Squad Zero stand inside, nearest the entrance.]

Kamui: This is the core of the I-DO Project, humanity's final defense against the Outlanders.

Amami: So, where will we be training?

Kamui: Follow me. I'll take you all to the exercise area.

[Cross-over to Exercise Area. Squad Zero enters a large stadium of sorts, looking astounded, standing before a wide audience.]

[The Lieutenant watches them from above.]

Kamui: I'll be above you all, giving you proper instructions towards training you.

Amami: This is the exercise area? It's larger than I expected. It's almost like a secret government type area for testing dangerous weaponry.

Kamui: Yes. They're promoting it as an activation test along with a mock battle that's very close to real combat. Shall we begin?

[Squad Zero gives Lieutenant Kamui a thumbs up and smiles. The Lieutenant returns a smile.]

Kamui: We will now begin the start up test of mock battle performance of real-time archetypal of the Individual Persona Fighting System. For this test, we will be using a mock battle form with fitting output of 05.06, beginning the first battle with Miko Irvin.

Miko: 05.06, lets see what's in store for me.

[It is then that all of Squad Zero, excluding Miko, are lifted up by a circular platform and elevated above the arena.]

[A replica of Outlander, appearing above ground are multiplied fivefold, surrounding Miko.]

[Miko gets in battle stance, startled.]

Kamui: Miko... are you ready?

Miko: (nervous chuckle) Anytime, Lieutenant!

Kamui: Let the simulation begin!

Announcer: Simulation starting.

[One of the Outlander sneaks an attack from behind and shoves Miko. She catches herself and does a back-flip and cancels out, kicking the Outlander in the head.]

[Miko goes into the defensive just in time as a second Outlander charges at her with its fist but misses as she gently dodges the attack and head-butts its arm, making the Outlander twirl.]

[She the catches the Outlanders arm and tosses it high into the air, pulling out the DA Blaster and fires away.]

Miko: (low) It's all about speed.

[Miko tosses out kunai daggers, piercing the Outlander in the process.]

[It is then that the entire group of Outlanders close in on her, trying to attack as she dodges every single attack, and ducks, leaving the Outlanders to spike each other's fists.]

[Up above, Lieutenant Kamui watches in amazement.]

Kamui: (low) She's fast! Lets see if she is capable of morphing. (to Miko) Miko!

[The Lieutenant points at his wrist, giving Miko a clue.]

Miko: Huh!? (looks at morpher and wonders) There's a slot here. Maybe this is where I put the stone.

[Miko takes out the green stone and sets it upon the slot within the morpher. The stone locks into the morpher and emits a green light around it.]

Miko: So, the stones are the key to activating the morphers. (looks up at the rest of Squad Zero) Hey guys, the stones are the key to the morphers, just so you know.

[The rest of Squad Zero set their stones into the morphers, following the same effect as the morpher activated before.]

Kamui: Miko! Spirit Morpher Revolutionize!

Miko: What!? Is that What I'm supposed to say?

Kamui: Yes, it is!

Miko: Okay! Spirit Morpher Revolutionize!

[The Morphing Sequence begins and everything goes black. Miko is only visible.]

Miko: Green Zephyr Ranger!

[It is then that a aurora of green light streams appear all around. A strong breeze occurs as Miko morphs into Green Zephyr Ranger.]

[A force of green energy bursts from within the Zephyr Ranger as an after-effect, sending the Outlanders flying back against the wall as everything returns to normal.]

Zephyr Ranger: (checking herself out) This looks awesome!

[To Lord Tahmazian's Lair. Lord Tahmazian sits on a throne. The sound of something falling from above closes in.]

Tahmazian: Huh! Whazzat!

[Zanuff falls hard, beneath the throne and lands flat on his face.]

Zanuff: Ouch!

Tahmazian: (pleased) Oh my, just as I expected.

Zanuff: (rising to feet, tired) HUHH-HUHH-HUHHA. (swallows spit, trying to catch breath) Am I going to die?

Tahmazian: (departs throne, approaches Zanuff) Calm down, Zanuff. Panic is pointless.

[Lord Tahmazian chokes Zanuff.]

Zanuff: (gagging and choking) GLAGHH!!

[Zanuff falls to the ground as Tahmazian lets go.]

Tahmazian: I've heard reports of your failure. But I must hear it from you. Tell me, why was your mission a failure?

Zanuff: My liege, it wasn't my fault. I was double-teamed.

Tahmazian: Double teamed!? By who, the -Power Rangers-?

Zanuff: They weren't Power Rangers. They looked like ordinary human beings but they possess great entities within them.

Tahmazian: Then they weren't ordinary human beings.

Zanuff: There were only two of them.


Zanuff: No, my liege, it's not chicken. I can tell you that even though they possess fire and shadowlike abilities, they are capable of taking form of another life force that not even you would undergo.

Tahmazian: Hm, despite your failure and any other time you have disappointed me, I will let you go this time. That's quite a bit of information you've stored in that... (pokes Zanuff in forehead) thick head of yours, but if you fail again, don't say I didn't warn you.

Zanuff: (walking away) Don't bet on it, my liege.

Tahmazian: Oh yeah, I almost forgot.

[Lord Tahmazian shoots a red electrical beam out of his hand toward Zanuff.]

Tahmazian: A little warning shot.

Zanuff (O.S.): (yelping) I really hate it when you do that!

Tahmazian: (laughing) I love doing that. (gets back onto throne, sits in thinking position) So, the Dark Alliance has humans who possess great entities. (bored) ho hum!


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